Binary Arithmetic Calculator


How to Use the Multiple Number Adder Calculator

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Enter Your Numbers:
    • In the text area labeled “Enter numbers here,” input the numbers you wish to add.
    • You can enter multiple numbers in separate lines or in the same line.
  2. Choose Your Delimiter:
    • From the “Select Delimiter” dropdown, choose how your numbers are separated:
      • Comma (,): Select this option if your numbers are separated by commas.
      • Space ( ): Select this option if your numbers are separated by spaces.
  3. Calculate the Sum:
    • After entering your numbers and selecting the delimiter, click the “Calculate Sum” button to compute the total.
    • The result will be displayed in the Result section below.
  4. Clear the Input/Output:
    • If you wish to reset everything, click the “Clear” button. This will clear both the input box and the result box.


  • To add the numbers 10, 20, 30, you would enter them as:
    10, 20, 30

    Then, select “Comma” as the delimiter and click Calculate Sum.

  • If you prefer using spaces, you could enter:
    10 20 30

    Select “Space” as the delimiter, and click Calculate Sum.